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Wednesday Blog is Back

Sandra Bramwell

Hi fellow Versaners:

The blog has resumed for the 2022-2023 cohort of students. This is where you catch up on news notices, what happens on podcasts, and all that is good for the application process. Our invaluable partner here who does the illustrations and makes our blog beautiful and interesting is no other than Californian John Adams. He has been a "ride or die" partner and we do cherish him.

The attachment from Rutgers University alludes to the Writing of the Essays during the summer. I can easily say half of our summer cohort has started on their essays. It is a good thing! We also want to welcome our other Caribbean students who are a part of Versan's cohort: Trinidad, Guyana, and may I include Mexico here. Welcome one and all.

Many of you are filling out the Please note what is currently online showcases the year 2022. But for all that most of you have filled out for 2022, it can easily roll over when the 2023 is posted. So do not panic about the year 2022 on your Commonapp forms. Just fill out and proceed.

We have had our Parent Meeting, our Student Orientation. Should you have missed any of those, well do see us about the recordings of those meetings.

Happy Reading folks as you read far and wide to increase speed and vocabulary. You know what materials you should be reading. We are on a journey for a year - let us be organized, diaries in tow, activities outlined for each week, SAT or LSAT or have your prep books, work through them.

See you next week, every Wednesday from here on out.


Rutgers-Newark's application

has a required student essay question.

We realize your college application essays can take a while to develop and finalize, and it's usually the last thing students address on their checklist before submitting a college application.

Strive for a well-constructed and thoughtful essay that highlights your unique life experiences on any topic you like. Express your talents, creative ideas, passions, personal struggles, and or triumphs.

Office of Graduate and Undergraduate Admissions

Engelhard Hall

Suite 101

190 University Avenue

Newark, NJ 07102

phone: 973.353.5205

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