Versan and Magoosh have now partnered to add to the resources for our clients' study plans. In addition to our classes, we are now providing an additional resource incorporated in our classes. I have always felt that students needed more, more classwork, more mock exams, more questions for practice. In this world of online learning, the more, the merrier. Here it is!
Thus with every enrollment, we are going to have this added in the package. It is to be done simultaneously with classes. So ask for your Magoosh details upon enrollment.
I met with a few of our students this past weekend. I had fun with them as we discussed these salient points:
Be Organized: Get a diary to log all your appointments, registration dates, exam dates, study time, application materials tracker. Get a Versan calendar so you can see all important dates and span of time while preparing to go to college.
Start applications: Once you have completed your CAPE or CXC exams, start the process. Book your appointment and get the application rolling. If you have not gotten your list of schools, do so.
Reserve your quiet study area once SAT starts. You will not regret it. Desk, lamp, good lighting, your study materials....get going!
Ask for Help: Often underestimated. You think you have it down pat, well, allow second guesses. Trust me on this...
Set your schedules: Need I say more?
Your Versan folder has a tracker list that you need to organize, post on a wall and eliminate tasks ahead....let's go Versaners!
See you next week! (Those taking exam in August, start by getting yourselves registered for that exam to be held on August 28 by visiting the website