Normally at this time of the year, we get a lot of requests about SAT and summer schools overseas. I was surprised that within one week, we got so many calls about law schools. What is happening? A resurgence of interest? Crazy! Might I add, this is our most successful group, with highest passes and induction to law schools and practice in the USA and Canada. And yes, our students get scholarships to law schools.

One of my favorite stories is that of Keymo Hoshing, a young man from Montego Bay who had graduated with honors from UWI West. A great footballer, he was also a true scholar, amassing a full scholarship to University of Pittsburgh Law School. We are proud to show his graduation pic as well as his first day in court, locks and all! We know we will hear more about him. His specialty is Civil Litigation. So proud of our alums!
Our LSAT sessions restart in March and end in May for the June sitting. When we resume in July for the October exam. Finally, we have another term: September to November for the December exam. There is a February exam, but that is really for those who absolutely think December is intimidating.

They are rolling in. Our social media guy is putting together a list to publish to all of Jamaica how well we are doing thus far. Good job, students!

Students going off in 2023, to bolster your applications, summer schools are a good option. Do see us about that, we can make some solid referrals.

Dear Sandra, Greetings from Swarthmore College! We hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and well during this unusual and challenging school year. Please consider nominating students for our Discover Swarthmore (DS) fly-in program, an all-expenses-paid visit to one of the best liberal arts and engineering colleges in the country. Prospective students get a taste of the college experience by meeting current students and professors, eating in our dining hall, and spending a few nights in our residence halls with student hosts. They also gain valuable information about college admissions and financial aid from our staff of experts. While the Fall 2022 program dates have not yet been finalized, we typically offer two DS programs to give students maximum flexibility, in mid-September and late October. We offered a week-long virtual program in late September 2020 and 2021. While students were unable to visit our campus in person last fall, they participated in virtual community-building opportunities, attended special faculty lectures and webinars, and learned more about the application process from our teams in Swarthmore’s Admissions Office and Financial Aid Office. Nomination and Selection Criteria During our review, the Discover Swarthmore selection committee prioritizes applications from students who are:
Underrepresented students in higher education (Black, Asian American, Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latinx, Middle Eastern and North African, Native Hawaiian, and Native and Indigenous American)
First generation in their family to attend college
Low-income students (Pell-eligible, free/reduced lunch, etc.), and students who might not otherwise be able to afford a trip to campus
Rural and small town students
Undocumented and DACA-eligible students
Please nominate students who might be a good match for this opportunity by submitting our online nomination form by June 15, 2022. You may nominate as many students as you wish, using one nomination form per student. We accept nominations from high school counselors, mentors, community-based organization advisors, teachers, and any person who works with a high-achieving student, so please share this information with your colleagues. Next Steps We contact all nominated students in April to let them know that they must complete the application in order to be considered. If a student chooses to apply and is accepted to the program, Swarthmore pays for round-trip airfare/train fare, housing, meals, and travel incidentals to attend.
We appreciate all that you do to support students and hope you’ll nominate some of your top students for Discover Swarthmore. Thank you in advance for your help to expand college access. If you have any questions or would like more details, please email discover@swarthmore.edu. Sincerely, Swarthmore Admissions Office