The craze has begun. Both in Jamaica, the US and Canada. Really, I should say the world. Despite Covid, we plod on. We search for solutions. We listen to conspiracy theories. We check science. But most importantly, we plod on.

Sixth formers now scramble to complete application forms. Write essays, complete resumes, archive portfolios and harness guidance counselors and teachers for their recommendations.
The new cohort started class last Sunday, with all its glitches as I was in NY, but the show did go on. Just one student was daunted by all the work and swooned from the tremendous weight of it all. The brave will not yield....just borrowing, KC.

We want those doing their exam in December to register now at www.collegeboard.com and select Priory as the center.
Please read all notices below.
See you next week.
Bentley University and Assumption University Country-Wide Virtual Information Session and Added Value Workshop Opportunity
Dear Colleagues,
I hope this email finds you healthy and safe during these challenging times. Bentley University and Assumption University have joined forces and plan to do virtual visits together! Rather than trying to arrange individual virtual visits with each school, we would like to invite you and your students to learn more about our universities and/or participate in 2 interactive webinars. We are certainly cognizant of time constraints and zoom fatigue! Therefore, students have the option to attend either an information session with Q&A or a value-added workshop with Q&A. Each session would be about 45 minutes. Students are more than welcome to attend both if they like.
Here is an outline of the schedule. Please note, all session times are outlined in Eastern Time (ET). Please click here to convert the event to your local time!
Monday, September 20th
Information Session with Q&A – 7:00 PM to 7:45 PM (ET)
Completing the Common Application Workshop – 7:45 PM to 8:30 PM (ET)
Tuesday, October 12th
Information Session with Q&A – 7:00 PM to 7:45 PM (ET)
What Universities Look for in an Applicant Workshop – 7:45 PM to 8:30 PM (ET)
Finally, please know we are willing to conduct joint individual school visits if it would work better for you and your students. We look forward to hearing from you and appreciate you taking the time to advertise these sessions with your students.
Joe & Shanell
Associate Director
Office of Undergraduate Admission
Pronouns: he/him/his
LaCava 112
t 781-891-2244
175 Forest Street | Waltham MA 024532