My visit last Thursday to visit Ardenne's 5th form Career and Personal Development seminar is truly a one-in-a-million experience. The Personal Development Committee and counselors organized a special day for 5th formers to review dress codes for interviews, resume-building, presentation of cover letters, thank you cards, recommendation letters, interviewing skills and most importantly, understanding their personal brand.
Learning these soft skills is mandatory for the real world.
I was blown away by their confidence. These young students had a good handle on the working world, such a rare find. The boys understood the dress code, so charming when now the average dress code by young men around Kingston is alarming. They had a runway expose and judged by their peers. We had good laughable moments.
Kudos Arenne or Stardennites. Job well done. I foresee great things in the future for you.

We have a few SSAT students who are continuing SSAT preparations and who are meeting deadlines. To our horror, we heard that there is no SSAT center in Kingston. That if they want to take the exam to enter a private boarding prep school, one may have to venture to Florida shores to test. But I offer a solution. To the Versan centers, all Directors should send an email to each school our student candidates are applying to and suggest Versan's office as an external proctor center where we can administer the test to our students. If schools are fine with that, we would have nothing to fear. Let's do it.

Ysabel Peyrefitte - The Stonybrook School
Shaneya Freebon - Alfred University
Amanda Francis - Miami University (Oh)
Shaan Daswani - University of Lynchburg, Salve Regina, University of Greenwich
Karan Samtani - Bryant, Michigan State
Keep them rolling in!
Do read the notices below.....stay informed.

Dear Sandra,
New York Tech’s School of Management’s free business bootcamp can help your students stand out in the college application process and prepare them for the business school experience. Through college-level courses taught by our expert faculty, your students get critical training to add to their skill set and resume. Encourage your students to register today!
Benefits of your students attending the Business Bootcamp:
Stand out in the college application process.
Prepare for the business school experience.
Get critical training to add to their skill set and resume.
Earn a certificate of completion.
On-campus Business Bootcamp Our schedule of on-campus courses will be held on the following Wednesdays from 4 to 7 p.m. EST, include:
Virtual Business Bootcamp Our schedule of courses will be held on the following Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. EST, include:
Please encourage your high school students and their friends to attend these free workshops. A separate registration is required for each workshop.
If you have any questions, please contact Joshua Bienstock at jbiensto@nyit.edu.
Dear Sandra,I write to share important information regarding tuition charges for the upcoming 2024/2025 academic year.For the sixth consecutive year, The Cooper Union’s Board of Trustees has approved that tuition will remain unchanged for all undergraduates. This decision is a testament to strong fiscal management and the generosity of those who contribute to The Cooper Union.The commitment to maintaining tuition at its current level aligns with our enduring goal of not only making higher education affordable but also working towards reinstating Cooper’s legacy of being tuition-free for all undergraduates. While this goal is projected to be realized by 2028, we recognize that, as current Cooper students and families, your immediate experience and financial needs are of paramount importance. In addition to another 0% tuition increase, below are ways we are continuing our effort on affordability:
Every undergraduate will continue to receive a scholarship covering 50% of tuition.
Additional scholarship levels are provided based on demonstrated financial need, with over 45% of Cooper undergraduates receiving scholarships that cover 100% of tuition.
Our plan to return to full-tuition scholarships includes incremental increases leading up to 2028. For the 2024/25 academic year, the average amount of tuition covered by scholarships for undergraduates will increase to approximately 82%.
We will implement modest changes to housing and other fees, with increases being held at or near 3%.
We are pleased to share this news with you today, and we want to assure you that our commitment to accessibility and affordability remains unwavering for both the short and long terms.We are glad that you are part of The Cooper Union.Sincerely,Mark Campbell
Dear Prospective Parents and Students,
I want to wish you the best of luck as you complete your application by January 15 and include a few helpful reminders.
Status of Your Application
To check on the status of your application, log in to the Millbrook Portal. Please note that there is a slight delay between submitting your documents and when the update is reflected on your Portal. Please allow our team several days after you upload application materials before contacting us to check the status of your submissions.
An interview with Millbrook's admission team is required to complete the application process. If you have not completed your interview already, please call (845) 677-8261 or email admissions@millbrook.org as soon as possible to schedule a campus visit or Zoom interview. We will continue to schedule tours and interviews through January 31.
In the meantime, I hope the final draft of your application is an accurate self-portrait. We are eager to learn more about you.
Kind regards,
Meghan Grover
Director of Admission