Today was a great day. The students represented Versan well. The representatives who hailed from across Canada and USA were pleased with our students. They have been in class for twelve weeks, did their exam last Saturday, prepared for their interviews and boy, did they exceed their Teacher's expectations. Congrats Versan chickadees!

It has been particularly tiring for me as we travelled from Trinidad to St. Lucia to Barbados and then on to Jamaica. The fair grew in strength from each island to the next. We now know that Barbados will be our next big market....growing from strength to strength there. Thanks to the schools that made the trek across islands: Nord Anglia The White Mountain School St. Georges Lyndon Institute Oregon Episcopal Bishop Strachan St. Margaret's Idyllwild School Deerfield Academy Then those who joined us in Jamaica, we were truly grateful for your presence: Northfield Mt. Hermon, Madeira, Wayland Academy, St. Anne's Belfield, Concord Academy, The Brook Hill School... Thank you all for making it to the Versan fair. More gratitude to the office team, Dwayne and Markiesha, along with Ryan who made it possible. Thanks for the hours put in. Then to our exciting parent team who allowed me to eat, do the KLAS interview with Regina Beavers and helped me coordinate the Versan students into their interview slots.. Adam' s dad, Tevin's mom, Dr. Madu, Corey's dad....you know all those parents who put a smile on my face today. Thank you. Whew! I can rest now and sleep well. Another year....