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Sandra Bramwell

"LIFE GOES ON" Wednesday Blog

All and sundry are panicking around me. Trump won! What are you going to do? Close shop and run? Who wants to go to the States to study? Our children...will they be subjected to racial violence....oh dear!!!

As I sat on the elections preview night with Cliff Hughes, Dennis Brooks and Mr. Dick Crawford, I surmised then and there watching the dwindling votes for Clinton that all was lost for HER, that maybe Bernie would have been the better bet....but also realizing that the American democracy had voted, the deplorables had won, the Republicans were in in full force and the Blacks had lost considerable political currency. So what will the Versan chickadees do...hunker down, excel, be kind, fair but articulate. Take nothing for granted. Read between the lines.

Build bridges.

Understand the exurbs and those from whence they came.

Draw the line.

So much to say, but I have to gather more thoughts for next week.

Good luck on Saturday my SSAT test takers. I will be travelling with the boarding schools headed to get to your centers early, pencils, erasers, no calculators. Love you all, you have been a great class, save my absentee book reports for a few.

SAT's were last weekend, report was fair to fine.

I want to see closure on applications, now that the Early Action folks are done.

Welcome to our Boarding Schools

°Windermere Prep °North Broward °Leman Manhattan Prep Deerfield Northfield Mt Hermon Wayland Madeira Oregon Episcopal The Brook Hill School St. Margaret's School The White Mountain School Chatham Hall Nord Anglia

Welcome. We have students sitting the exam on Saturday. Good luck Versan chickadees!

Calexit! I am loving California!

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