Summer school has begun. Each class is oversubscribed. We are happy. Zipeedeedoodah! However, do not take or ask for a spot in the SATURDAY SAT 10-12, it is beyond full! The 3-5 may take 2 more, but that is it! CHANGES IN MOBAY We welcome to the Mobay clan Ms. Escoe and hope she spends quite some time with us. She trained well in the Kingston office and we think she will be a great addition to the team. Ms. Russell is on vacation from the 22nd to August 12. So Ms. Escoe, get it together! Smile....we will be there to give you support. SUMMER INTERNS They will soon be departing...school over yonder beckons.....oh we shall miss them.... We are grateful to the new ones coming on board...they will be with us till December, and then they take off for January admission placements..... Geana Joie will be here.....so will Najaye and Arianna Kumst...oh happy day!!! Why? They understand the Versan philosophy. MOCK EXAMS All exams are complete. For the first week.....most are fair to fine with some exceptionalities-geniuses in the making.....we will make them stronger.... PARENTS MEETING Sunday 4 p.m. Stella Maris Auditorium...do not forget the notebook and pencil/pen. CURRENT EVENTS What do we not endorse? Donald Trump for President. What do we thoroughly rave about? Reggae Boyz topping Zone B. What Copa Cup did for them...immeasurable...ole! What did we espy and are proud of.....that Usain Bolt made the Forbes List for $21 million in earnings...merely from endorsements. You go Bolt! But who is afraid of Big Bad Wolf Gatlin? Brrr! More anon.....