On the impending arrival of President Obama to Jamaica, I wish to state how disheartening it is for a Black man or woman to survive in America. Why did Mr. Scott run when stopped by police? In fear of his life....in this day and age. With a black man for President, let us urge our young black males to be mindful, to raise their educational levels, to achieve and to remain visible. While in North Carolina recently for my student's wedding, I visited an African American museum and took a picture of a bathroom relegated for Colored Men only, the days when bathrooms were segregated. Apparently, we have not left those days....so while we seek to ape all cultures, we must look within and claim our Black souls... To those heading off overseas, remain mindful and use the role model of President of Barack Obama, Head of Harvard's Law Review to cement our feet in history, to remain visible, achieving...... So we salute our Nicholas Foo who took his first solo flight at University of North Dakota and wish him the utmost in his studies and to have him and all of you to remain visible and achieve. Step out of the ignorance, leave the intolerant behind, do not "throw shade" and move forward.... So we celebrate yet again our acceptances for this week: ACCEPTANCES Jonathan Bair Cooper Union Warren Webb Mercyhurst College Wartburg College Manhattanville College Quinnipiac Amanda Cohen Hofstra New Jersey Inst of Tech Keva Chang Drew University Bard College Siddhant Grover Univ of Binghamton Alexis Farquharson Howard University Nastacia Gayle Quest University Dalhousie Mt. Allison BOARDING SCHOOLS Tacquame Hutchinson McAllie Selina Chen Luther High College ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO ALUMNI Julian Wray Meharry Dental School Congrats to the Morgan siblings: Weyd-Ann who completed Georgetown Law School and her brother who is currently in dental school. MOCK EXAMS The mock exams scheduled for this cohort are : April 24 for SSAT and SAT. May 1 for SAT. GAP YEAR For those doing Round B schools, these are still feasible for Fall 2015. However, I do want to say that Gap years are also something to consider......I suggest you visit this as it works for those who want a second chance... Word of advice: Hold your heads high, come what may in life and remain visible.