I am rubbing my hands with glee! Today was a special day, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding to give SAT classes to students of the Spanish Town area at the Hydel facility. Registration is now open. Glorious devotion this morning with the press and all that is good in new beginnings....the prayers, the press, the band of Hydel, the devoted faculty and children. Another stage in Versan's life. Next Wednesday, we should launch the program at Manchester High school. Again, we roll out.... The Minerva College University so you did not make it to Stanford or UC Berkeley, but at Minerva, you get courses taught via online administration by those faculty members? Financial aid is available. They come to Jamaica to showcase this innovative school that many Fortune 500 companies believe is the new rave. So Montego Bay, Kingston, and Manchester, the session will be held at The Mona Visitor's Lodge, this Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Alex Cobo will present. I do think this is the way to go....wave of the future for al our techies! SOUTH CAROLINA STATE Rumor has it that SCSU may be suspending a year of its operations because of financial constraints. So many applied and will be desolate about this news! Stay abreast of this news.... THE BRITISH UK HIGHER EDUCATION AND SKILLS FAIR This fair does not happen often. We are thrilled to be a part of this expo on March 3, 2015, Jamaica Pegasus, 11-6 p.m. Be there or be square. SSAT PARENTS MEETING New, current and past parents should be at a meeting on March 8, The Versan office space, Room 1 at 4 p.m. Exciting news to share... NEW STUDENTS' MEETING March 8th 2015, 5:30-7:30. The Versan office, Room 1. Take along a notebook and pen... CONCERN OF GUIDANCE COUNSELORS Students, I must redirect you in the future to have your Secondary, MidTerm and final grades completed by your Guidance Counselor. So, you are all being "redirected." ACCEPTANCES The long-awaited list: Didier Traile - St. Anne's Belfield Stephanie Smith - Boston Medical University Kelly Campbell - University of Tampa Chloe Ana _ St. Leo's Nicholas Haughton Xavier University Seton Hall University DALLAS YOUTH ORCHESTRA Guess who made the Dallas Youth Orchestra and is playing second chair? Our own Christine Lee Fatt at The Hockaday School in Texas. ST. MARY'S UNIVERSITY We had a visit by St. Mary's University in Canada. This is probably their fifth year in a row at Versan's offices. They never fail to surprise us at their diligence in making a stop to chat with our students. We will forward the brochures to the Mobay office .....lots were left in the office, so for those who did not make the visit ....come get the details soon. Sign up cards are available. TO OUR PILOTS So Justin, Nicholas is showing off his skills in the air at University of North Dakota...looking good Nicholas. Eat your heart out, Justin. More anon, next week.