Happy Birthday Alex Brown and Nicole B.-Gordon! Hope you had a great day....Alex moaned as he does not want to get any older and wishes to remain in Neverland, remember Michael Jackson...and Nicole, well, she took the week off from work and headed to a Zumba class at the Alvin Ailey Dance troupe. You go girl! THE JANUARY CLASSES So we head into SAT again this Saturday and we have a bunch of driven teens who beleive this is it! So I have decided no Mock exam on Friday. One has to rest and absorb the moment, quietly piecing together all the flaws, flubs and weak areas one has to get right for Saturday. The good thing is that this is not the first time for many. So good luck, y'all and I will see you all this Saturday at Priory High School. Be early and get there at 7:30 a.m. Me included! SNOW QUEEN Our dear Rebecca Hugh who attends St. Margaret's in Virginia was named Snow Queen, a phenomenal achievement for a yardie in Virginia! Hip, hip, hooray! CONCERNS Some students are receiving notifications from some schools that they cannot afford the full fees. And how they will threaten non-acceptance. Talk to me quickly by email or phone call, I will instruct quickly. Second area of concern: It is time for those who completed the CSS Profile to complete their IDOC forms...NOW! Third Area of Concern: Missing items that you know were sent in the packages- have a copy...and scan and email your copy in to them... Fourth Area of Concern: Those who applied to Fisk University, get a letter from your actual High School Counselor and send it in ASAP! ACCEPTANCES The section everyone is waiting for.... Well, well, well.....we made OXFORD UNIVERSITY in ENGLAND! Yaaaay! Romaine Jones - Oxford University, Pembroke College Nicola Dallas - University of South Florida Amanda Cohen - Howard University Alex Brown - Rochester Institute of Technology and Illinois Institute of Technology Romario Williams - Purdue University Dmitri (Meadowbrook High) - Minnesota State: Mankato University of North Dakota Averett Florida Institute of Technology See you all next week Wednesday.