It is the last ditch effort for those sitting the SAT exam, needing entry for admission in 2024.
It is the first for some, a second walk in the park for others.

I wish everyone good luck. Do not forget your tickets, your ID'S, your laptops ( that have been upgraded to Collegeboard's specifications) your calculators, pencils and pens. Get there early.
As for those headed to Dinthill, start out early. Be there by 7:45 a m.

December is your month to finalize your final financial aid paperwork, the FAFSA. Be on the alert.
Anastasia Fraser- FIT
Zachary Morgan - FIU
Give thanks for all the good you received in 2023. Pray for good tidings next year. Thanks to our teachers, parents, staff.
See you next week.

Dear Sandra,
Welcome to the November edition of the UCL Counsellors’ newsletter. This edition is packed full of upcoming activities for you and your students! We also introduce our Human Neuroscience BSc, new for 2024 entry.
Please also note a request from our Undergraduate Admission team that counsellors or applicants who need to submit new information about an application do so directly via the online enquiries form rather than their Student Recruitment contact. This should streamline the enquiry handling process, create a more consistent correspondence record and hopefully result in faster responses times.
Biochemical Engineering virtual event: 28 November 2023
What can students do with a Biochemical Engineering degree? Join Jack Jeffries, Undergraduate Admissions Tutor for UCL Biochemical Engineering, to learn more about the incredible opportunities open to graduates, from roles in public policy to the pharmaceutical sector. This virtual event is open to prospective students, parents/carers and teachers.
Arts and Humanities virtual admissions Q&A: 29 November 2023
Want to learn more about applying to an undergraduate degree in UCL Arts and Humanities? This online session is an opportunity for prospective students, advisers and parents/carers to hear about the application and selection process, and put questions directly to a member of the UCL Admissions team.
Our International Webinar Series is also now available to catch-up with on the Arts and Humanities YouTube channel.
Faculty of Brain Sciences virtual info session: 6 December 2023
Teachers, prospective students and parents/carers are invited to attend our virtual information session to learn more about the Faculty of Brain Sciences, our undergraduate degrees and making an application. The event will address the following programmes:
- Psychology BSc / MSci
- Psychology and Language Sciences BSc / MSci
- Experimental Linguistics BSc (including the International Programme)
- Linguistics BA (including the International Programme)
- Audiology BSc
- Human Neuroscience BSc
Psychology and Language Sciences virtual event: 7 December 2023
Join the UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences to discover our Psychology and Language Sciences BSc/MSci. Prospective students, teachers and parents/carers are all welcome.
Find out more about the programme, meet the Admissions Tutor and hear from current students.
The Psychology and Language Sciences BSc/MSci is a BPS-accredited degree that brings together the dynamic fields of psychology, language sciences, and linguistics.
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) virtual taster sessions: 5-13 December 2023
Join leading academics for our virtual SSEES taster session series covering topics such as "What went wrong in Eastern Europe?" and "Representations of Russian Rulers". Prospective students, parents/carers and teachers are all welcome.
SSEES offer undergraduate degrees that combine core disciplines (Economics and Business; Politics and Sociology; Languages and Culture; History) with a regional focus on Russia, The Baltics, Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe. Book now: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ssees/news/2023/nov/ssees-undergraduate-taster-sessions
Population Heath Sciences BSc 1-2-1 appointments
Do you or students want to learn more about our Population Health BSc? Book a 1-2-1 online appointment with Alison Moody, Deputy Director and Admissions Tutor, to ask any questions you might have about the programme, admissions or life at UCL.
Human Neuroscience BSc: new for September 2024
What is it?
· Neuroscience is a very broad and exciting field that is studied at many different levels, from genetics and single cells, to human cognition, behaviour and social interactions.
· The Human Neuroscience BSc studies the human brain and nervous system. Students will learn about how the human brain enables us to perceive the world, how we move, our mental health, how we communicate and how we interact with each other. Students will study and learn about emerging theories into how the brain works and what happens when something goes wrong (such as in dementia).
· Topics include: how memories are formed, how brain cell activity shapes behaviour, how your senses perceive the world, or how the brain controls movement, speech and language. Students could choose to research the causes and novel treatments for conditions like dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, stroke or epilepsy.
Who is it for?
· Students currently studying Biology or Psychology at A level (or equivalent), plus one other science from Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Physics or Mathematics.
· Students who want to gain hands-on experience of analysing human brain data to understand broader elements of the brain and nervous system, using cutting-edge techniques and technologies.
· Students interested in careers in a variety of areas, including mental health services, behavioural sciences, bioscience/biomedical innovation and academia.
Where can students learn more?
· Contact: ion.ugeducation@ucl.ac.uk
· Faculty of Brain Sciences online information session: 6 December, 11:00-12:30 (UK time). Book here.
If you or your students have any questions please do get in touch.
Fiona Rushworth | Senior Liaison and Recruitment Officer| Communications and Marketing
UCL, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT
(Office address: 1st Floor Bidborough House, 38-50 Bidborough Street, London WC1H 9BT)
Counselors, Advisers and Teachers: Find out more on how to support your students here.

Deadline: December 8
How to enter: Read a banned book by a Native American and Indigenous author and share how you'll discuss the value of these books and stories with your peers during Native American Heritage Month.
Who’s eligible? Applicants must be between the ages of 13 and 25
Deadline: November 30
How to enter: Applicant must be 13 years or older and a resident of the US. Answer the question: What’s the #1 gift you would like to receive this holiday season?
Who’s eligible? Applicants must be 13 years or older and a US resident.
$1,000 | SuperCollege ScholarshipDeadline: November 30
How to enter: Fill out the application form on the sponsor’s website.
Who’s eligible? Applicants must be high school students, college undergraduates, graduate students or adult students residing in the U.S. and attending or planning to attend any accredited college or university within the next 12 months.
Deadline: November 30
How to enter: Complete the application on the sponsor’s website.
Who’s eligible? Applicants must be US citizens and enrolled in high school or a post-secondary educational institution.
Deadline: November 30
How to enter: Write one page or submit a video explaining the right-to-work principle and how it benefits individuals in the United States.
Who’s eligible? Applicants must be attending a US high school, college, or graduate school.
$50,000ScholarshipOwl No Essay Scholarship Sponsored by: ScholarshipOwl