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Sandra Bramwell


I took a well-needed break from writing the blog. With schools getting ready to receive the CSEC and CAPE results, we are all in. The blog is back!

What's new?

Well, I noticed that Priory Test Center cancelled their exam for August. Rest assured, you will all have to get your refunds, enroll in the October exam and of course, it is still not too late for the Early Action decisions. So do not panic.

Another interesting scenario is that 5th formers were trying to do the August exam...why? If you do not have any experience in Additional Maths, that is a tall order.

I always attach emails from universities. So do read those. I believe University of Miami has a lot to say so read the attachment!

Register early for the October exam.

I see that everyone is coming to consultations, doing their essays, filling out applications, inviting counselors and teachers...I quite believe we will make the August deadline in completing the apps! Yaaay!


We are going to add you to the Whatsapp group, so you are in on all information.


Your work is prevailing and your studies lagging...I know how difficult it is tohave a full-time job and study, but prioritize. Register for LSAT now, get applications done and have I seen your essays, maybe just one person? Dreadful.....


My prize group. You are far and beyond the pale. Teachers expect good results and so do I. Let us finish those applications. And get them off in September.


Good progress.

See you all next week.


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