There is still the December exam. LSAT exams and SSAT exams, but because of our early birds, a few early acceptances are in.
Though exciting news, I have tempered their joy a bit by suggesting that we wait to hear from everyone before the judgement call.
But this blog is happy to share and will continue to share each week as we go along.
We give thanks, especially in this season of Thanksgiving.
Jody-Ann Forrester - Seton Hall University
Shantae Facey - Fisk University
University of Southern Mississippi
Gabriella Scott- Fisk University
Israel Allen- Queens University of Charlotte
Yusuf Mohammed- St. Leo's College
Toni Ann Collier- Barry University
Nova Southeastern
........with more to come. We salute the students.


Our past student, Safiya Sinclair, just made the New York Times 100 Best books of 2023. She is the epitome of not ever letting go of one's dreams. While doing her SAT's, she was constantly writing poetry and entering pieces in the Gleaner and Observer. Those small steps led to this big moment. Congrats Safiya!
This appears to be a bumper crop year. This year this group in just one sitting has passed above the 80% mark. No 50, no 60's, no 70's, go figure. But it was expected. Kudos to their teachers...Mr Karenga and Ms. Johnson.

I am on tour of schools in this area. Not many Jamaicans venture this far west. It is to their loss. It is beautiful country. The schools are primarily known for the Arts, Medicine, Computer Science. The city is the home of Starbucks, T-Mobile, Alaskan Airlines and thousands of Fortune 500 companies and startups. University of Washington stands supreme. Also home to IBM.
Its population has heavy cultural influences from the Nordic and Native American groups. Geographically, it is ensconced between California and Oregon, a stone's throw from British Columbia.
See you next week!

You're invited to attend
Missouri S&T's Virtual Events
Geological Engineering Department Spotlight
Monday, November 20 - 7:00 PM
Join Dr. Jeffrey Cawlfield and current students to explore the geological engineering program, career possibilities, and amazing scholarships being offered for Fall 2024 students.
Student Life Spotlight
Monday, November 27 - 7:00 PM
Missouri S&T has over 250 student clubs and organizations. Join us to learn more and find your place on campus!
Women in Nuclear Engineering
Tuesday, November 28 - 7:00 PM
Register to find out more about being a woman in nuclear engineering!
Registration of Events

Health Sciences at Seton Hall
Dear School Counselor,
You’re invited to join us for a one-hour webinar on Wednesday, December 13 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., exclusively for high school counselors. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore Seton Hall University’s stellar programs in the health sciences!
Learn about our unique and innovative joint programs that allow students to earn a combined bachelor’s and graduate degree in the health sciences including Athletic Training, Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology.
Find out why our combined programs can save students time and money, guarantee acceptance to graduate school, and prepare students for top healthcare careers.
Also discover the benefits of enrolling in our new undergraduate degree in Interprofessional Health Sciences. This bachelor’s degree allows students to specialize in Exercise Science or Health Science Management, preparing them for professional health careers. It further provides them with the foundation to pursue a graduate degree in Health Sciences.

You're Invited! Missouri S&T would like to invite you to an Engineering Management Undergraduate Program Q&A Monday, November 27, 6:00 p.m. Interested in majoring in the Engineering Management undergraduate program? Join us to learn more about the opportunities available.
For more information about S&T's Engineering Management undergraduate program, please visit us at emse.mst.edu or contact us at emgt@mst.edu.