The results are out. The graduating class of 2021 saw top placements in the CXC and CAPE exams: Chemistry, Physics, History, Entrepreneurship et al.

Kudos to these students who continue to dominate the academic realm. Congrats also have to be extended to Matthew Sinclair who earned a 1450 on the May SAT 1 exam.

To our Justin Prince at University of Miami who gifted us with a 4.1 GPA at the end of his freshman year. Job well done.
We tell these tales to inspire all Versaners to stay on the path of academic excellence and not to take their eyes off the prize.
To all our graduating seniors, Godspeed.
Hello Sandra, I have a question for you.
We are a group of MIT, Stanford, Harvard and Oxford alumni and we are teaching an Artificial Intelligence bootcamp.
We would like to ask you: what other topics would you love for Versan Educational Services, students to learn from us?
We had a few ideas in mind: 1) Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp (this is the one we're teaching right now) 2) Introduction to Programming in Python (we're currently creating the materials for this one) 3) Web Development (html, css, js - for websites and web apps) 4) Blockchain development (how bitcoin works, how to create smart contracts, tokens, NFTs, and DeFi: decentralized finance) There are other ideas which might also be interesting: 5) Game Development 6) Graphic Design (to complement our web development course) 7) Internet Business Marketing (oriented to how to sell and advertise online products and grow startups) Which one of these sounds most appealing to you, and why? Are there any other ideas that come to mind that you'd like to suggest? Just reply to this email with your answer. Thanks a lot for your help, Sandra
--- in case you'd like to share our AI Bootcamp, here's the relevant info ---
In case you need a reminder about what we do, I am working with a group of MIT, Stanford, Harvard and Oxford PhDs and alumni, and we wanted to reach out to you regarding an Artificial Intelligence bootcamp we are launching online.
Many students in Jamaica have been asking to join our AI bootcamp. We've also seen lots of interest from that general region. Thus, we would like to offer Versan Educational Services, students a partial scholarship. Please respond to this email if you think you might be interested in helping your students get a head-start in computer science. Moreover, we also offer a referral program, if you're interested in doing business with us, and receive commissions. We would appreciate it if you shared the following offering with your students (or through the student counselor). Feel free to shorten or modify it. Your students might benefit from our online bootcamp:
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AI Fluency is pre-college Artificial Intelligence bootcamp taught exclusively by MIT, Stanford, Harvard and Oxford PhDs, students and alumni
This online bootcamp has no mandatory homework, and will guide you from little or no coding experience to Artificial Intelligence fluency. This will make students stand-out in college admissions. We've had students from 7th to 12th grade to even up to 2nd year of college, and this course is mostly targeted to those students trying to prepare for college classes and college admissions. We wanted to offer a partial scholarship to all Versan Educational Services, students - code VERSAN_SCHOLARSHIP - given your focus on self-improvement, which is a value we share in common. This scholarship brings the price down significantly, from $1280 to only 591 (less than half). Using the application link on this email will automatically apply the discount.
At the end of this workshop, students will:
Have a final AI project presentation
Receive a graduation certificate detailing all the technologies learned
Create an article detailing your process and technologies
Showcase your project presentation on our website
Create a video presenting your project
Send your article to media (we’ll guide you through it)
Showcase the project appropriately to colleges
Join a network of AI experts, researchers, industry leaders, and top university alumni
Join a network of high-school exceptionally passionate peers (after the course, students might end up working together in projects or become classmates in college)
The top-performing student projects in a variety of areas will receive a variety of awards
Enrollment is open throughout the program (not just before the start date). You can see our brochure and our website.
You can apply here for the Summer program - Mon-Fri 4-6pm EST June 14-25 (June cohort), and Mon-Fri 4-6pm EST July 5-16 (July cohort).
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Thanks a lot for your help,
Matt Hanson
Program Manager