Anada Adlam:University of South Florida

Ajhya Brown- Emory University

Aliyah Brown - University of Miami
Last week, we saw a few pictures. Why? Not because they were going off to top-notch schools, but because they scored within the 1400 - 1600 range.
This week we will continue to showcase a few more pictures of our top scorers and highlight where they are going.
This week, we feature Nikaylia, who heads to Illinois Institute of Technology and Aliyah Brown who heads to University of Miami. I also want to signal Ajhya Brown from Mobay Community College, as she heads to Emory University. All these smart ladies aced over 1400 points on the SAT's, no mean feat. I also want to hail Sydney McDonnough who earned 35/36 on the ACT exam. We were amongst the Champions this year.
Remember the young lady whose name I forgot? The one leaping from Princeton to Brown to do her Master's in Environmental Engineering? Her name, I am proud to admit, is Gabrielle Rogers. And I dared to add her picture this week. Much apologies for my senility but to a great alum of Versan, it was my treat to assist her in her career search again.

Memorial Day in the US and Labour Day in JA signals summer.is here. With that comes some bad news....
Universities and colleges in America may lose their adjuncts as COVID wreaks its havoc on higher education. Lecturers are scrambling to keep up with online content. Techies are working feverishly to come up with more online apps to teach online classes.
What does this mean for the future? More online classes, the personal touch may be lost forever

For those who miss the personal touch of the classroom and teacher, this could become a thing of the past!
The upshot is that with universities losing tactile contact of students, costs at universities will have to come down. There will be no boarding nor provision of food as classes are online. International students may have to sit the first term out....notice, "may", but if they do, we have to factor in lower fees.....
Another round of good news is that our MIT alumna, Janille Maragh,( currently doing her PhD) read last week's blog and volunteered to take our new charges, Priya and Seychelle, around Boston when they arrive.
That is good news, when former alums reach out to the younger ones...whoopee!
For those I forgot to add last week, please keep calling in, if we miss your name:
Ananda Adlam: University of South Florida
Khitanya Mighty - Iowa State/ University of Southern Mississippi
Gabrielle Rogers: Georgetown, American. Columbia and Brown
Zoe Stephens: Savannah College of Art and Design
Sydney McDonnough: UC: San Diego, UC: Davis Northeastern
See you next week!