Glad to see Matthew fly in from California to tell me all about film school there. he has blossomed, developed his craft and exceeded his own expectations. Go Matthew!

On Monday night, we hosted a representative from Bentley University who gave wonderful advice on the writing of the personal essay. Take note;
The first three sentences should grab the reader's attention.

Do not mention the name of the university in the essay, stating you are a good fit. Sometimes, you leave the wrong name of a university and send off to the wrong school!
Show, do not tell.....use your extracurricular activities and sell yourselves.
Be different.
Have someone proofread your essay.
Watch grammar, spelling, punctuation.
Stay away from politics, sensitive topics and religion!
She read a few poor essays. The audience got a very good idea from the extracts presented. Then I asked the "bumptious" question, just "What are you looking for?" I got the seasoned response. Grades, analysis of the transcript, extracurricular activities, your passions, sports, hobbies, basically, what makes you unique. They like UNIQUENESS! Got it?

Your exam for November, if you are not subscribed, the cost is now appended with a late fee. Total: $339.00. So if you want to pay 294 instead of 339, then switch to the December exam.
Without fail, I expect to be there this Friday at 5:30. For your interviews.
Your schools are coming....so best to get those outfits out. And complete those applications. Financial aid?

Happy that 50% of the class has already submitted their applications. Thrilled! The rest of you, let us get cracking....
Once you have completed the CSS Profile, you have the IDOC to complete.
Please mail the paper financial aid documents, CSO Post Office.

You can submit your Commonapp without the counselor and teachers' completion of recommendations.
Try to register within your deadlines, at least a month in advance.