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“Oops, I did it again....”

Sandra Bramwell

Another Wednesday passed and I missed the blog. How? Not my Internet at the office courtesy of a Flow. There was systemic outage in the Constant Spring area.

Anyway, today and tomorrow mark the Mock exam days for Mobay and Kingston students. The tests will be marked, same day, scores attached. For Mobay students, Mr. Thompson will hand out answer sheets for marking, scores sent to me and the final score delivered to each by the end of the day.

Then on Saturday, December 1, the real deal begins. Those who are waitlisted should be at exam centers before they open to grab the rare standby ticket. If not given one, you cannot get in. I suggest waitlisters call centers and see how many standby tests they have and align yourselves accordingly. Centers again? Priory, Dinthill, Belair, St. Andrew, AISK, Campion, Mt. Alvernia.

Do not forget, your

#2 Pencils




Picture ID

Watch (set it to that of the proctor, do not go by your time)

Book bags will be placed at front of room.

Turn off cellphones

Avoid chatting to each other in the room, look ahead, not sideways..

Be early on Saturday!

If you did the work, then you should reap the whirlwind, Good luck.

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