From the #MeToo movement, #BlackLivesMatter, #Youth and Gun Reform, though I am jaded by events happening in America, though this is the country of William Faulkner, Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama....evil seems to be chased out by the good. Young people are moving away from the android world of technology, standing at the pulpit and speaking out. So refreshing. There is hope yet in the great USA.
The activism is thrilling. The electorate is speaking. These kids are going off to college, they will be voting soon...watch out Trump! The 45th President...this looks scary! With Mueller advancing on federal indictments, locking up left, right and center, one wonders? Collusion, impeachment? Oh dear....but activism rocks....It shows the American youths are not at the moment caught up soleley with self and consumerism...they are seeing the dawn of a new America.

I have not yet seen the movie, "Black Panther"...but am advocating that for its historic value, you all get out to see it.
For those sitting the March SAT exam, please note the Master class is Sunday 2-5 p.m.
The first PTA for new students only is this Sunday from 5 - 7 p.m. Location: Versan office.

This week Versan hopped over to Rusea's High, St. Andrew's, Holy Childhood, Merlegrove and The Queen's High School.
Ashnie Jain - St. John's Kilmarnock/ Riverstone International
Mariana Lopez - St. Leo's College
Daniel Bennett - Drew University
Shelby Barnaby - Purdue/University of Illinois
Shayne Miller - WPI
Latavia Mellish - Univ of Georgia
Cindy Zhang - Brandon Hall
Shavtai Pinchas - Rollins College
Ashleigh Onfroy - Lewis and Clark University
Jordanne Ebanks - Seton Hall
Dianca Watson - Dillard

Hello Sandra,
Happy Thursday! I wanted to connect with you because I saw all the financial literacy information resources on your website, like the ones found here (https://www.versan.org/single-post/2017/04/12/THE-FINANCIAL-AID-DEBACLE-Wednesday-Blog) and it really stood out to us here at U.S. News & World Report! We really appreciate all the insights and tips you are able to provide and are hoping that you might be interested in additional resources. Perhaps this is something you might want share with your readers and those in your community?
We recently conducted a nationwide survey of college-aged students to learn about their level of financial literacy, the results were alarming to say the least. Our findings show that most high school and/or college students, lack the basic understanding of the two major financial products that they will encounter on campus: credit cards and student loans. To help students develop a better understanding of these products, we have created these in-depth guides:
Your website provided such amazing resources and I thought our guide would be great supplemental information for your readers, especially those who are college students! Would you be interested in mentioning our guide on your site?
Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in discussing further. I can be reached at a.mcnamara@usnewsmoney.com
Thank you for your consideration,
Ashley McNamara
Outreach Associate working with U.S. News & World Report