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Sandra Bramwell

THE HAPPY LIST Wednesday Blog

We love emojis. I think they are great. One image conjures up all the "swell" feelings...well, this week, I had to say Congrats so many times to each student who happened to tell me where they had been accepted to...I smiled. I also know I heard one or two rejections. But as easily as I can smile at an acceptance, it is hard to console those who did not make a preferred choice.

I say please allow it to wash off a duck's back, slide and forget about it. My 25 years of counselling has told me that everyone gets a shot and if they do not, there is always a reason. It is too early in the game to start commiserating...but just for those who are, I understand...but buckle up, it will be fine in the morning...

SAT deadlines for registering is NOW! Get cracking....


IDOC's ought to be completed now for those who are doing CSS Profiles.


Jordan Madden Jacksonville University

Danielle Cross Boston College/Adelphi/Univ of Connecticut (Full scholarship)

Zori Hamilton Whittier/Champlain/Mercyhurst

Lindberg Simpson Georgia Institute of Technology/Purdue

Shavtai Pinchas FIT

Rachel Matthews Bradley University

Mariana Valles Lopez FIU

Derek Walcott Purdue

Jahmani Doyle FIT

Dianca Watson Alfred/Florida Southern

Julianne jackson Weir FIT

Jenet Cai Lakefield

Brittney Williams St. John's University

Zoii Henry Congrats, I misplaced the name of the school you got week, without fail!!!!

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