We had a few students who had to leave this Spring 2018 and face the frigid cold. Jakeem Nicholson headed off to Liberty University to study Aviation.
The good news is that he got there before his roommates did. So he gets first "dibs" on bed selection, closet corners and bathroom layout. Good for him! I do hope I can forward to John our blog's artistic designer, a copy of the video, Jakeem sent us.

Have a good semester. Jakeem. You went through a whirlwind of visa procurement, loan approval to get to school on January 16..whew!
And the acceptances continue.....
Jordan Madden - Florida Inst of Technology
Jason Forbes. Huron at Western
Michael Chen. Quinnipiac
Chad Taylor. Purdue
Kailey Chin. Brandon Hall
Gregory. FIT
Natalia Harris. Jacksonville University
Georgia Kay Whyte St. Michael's College
Ithaca College
Jonathan Lee. St. Peter's College
Jeneille Deans. Arcadia
May my student soldiers continue to reign and pull in their victories!