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Sandra Bramwell


So I made it to Mobay early this morning on good old Knutsford Express. Travelled leisurely down and back.. The staff had to attend the expo at Montego Bay Community College, so I had a busy tour in the office minus admin staff. It was a riot! And a hoot. Parents and students were delightful. However, under new management and staff, Mrs. Meggo and Ms. Reid ( do send pictures, guys), Montego Bay has asked for their own group chat. It is confirmed, the Kingston group chat is disconcerting. Too busy, they claim!

COLLEGE FAIR Education USA came, note the other schools en route to Jamaica. Important to see them. We applaud those who made Selkirk College last Saturday.....good for Music and Technology, Performing Arts. Location: Vancouver, Canada. REGISTRATION It is time to register for the December exam. Deadline:Nov 2. SAT: CSS, FAFSA, ISFAA, to be done.

SSAT: Time to complete financial aid and register for your exam. DIAMOND CHALLENGE Over to you Sameer....


One of my crazy students at George Washington University:

Dear Sandra, Sharing this meaningful picture. Mariana is dead to our comments! Off to Washington this Parents weekend, staying in George Washington University with her friend Zerwa and visiting Howard and American university this weekend. She went alone by bus


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