I have never had such a tiresome weekend! From Friday last, it dawned on me that the European colleges and school tours were rapidly approaching.
I knew, but it seemed that students fell out of sorts with Maths as we scrambled to find resolute resources.

Mock exams ran from Monday to Wednesday of this week, with a few taking it on Saturday. Results will be next day. Thanks Alex Wong, for the attention to the new slogan for Versan. Loving it. Now we patent! Smile.
Back to the weekend, so I held the PTA on Friday. Great. Parents got closure, but we ran out of books. The heat is on to complete applications, but the day went from 6 am to midnight. Saturday had classes, but consultations led us to midnight. Sunday also led us there.

Monday was a new twist...that was Montego Bay. Heading out at 6 am. I arrived home at midnight after the PTA meeting from 5-7 pm. Great for the Montegonians. We could not have moved any faster....to unravel the cobwebs and doubts. Hurrah, they are now in the loop.....and Versan, from West to East feels like one big happy family. Certainly on the Whatsapp group.
But the mother of the ball went to Tuesday night. I suspect that everyone knew I was leaving office on Wednesday, hemce I did not leave office until 1 a.m.
So the European tour has begun. I hope to bring back great news to my families. I will still be working by email, fear not. And watching the Whatsapp groupchat.

Those portfolios are necessary and should be sent off even before you apply to schools!
GET TO IT.. one student acted on my advice and immediately got responses from four school coaches...
So hear the new Versan slogan: Today? Completed? Results tomorrow ,(or something like that...smile.)
Date to be announced.
Keep watching this space. More news coming.