So I forgot, yes, forgot to write the blog ......I only remembered while whistling in the shower this morning. Old age, I guess.......
What do I have to relate during these balmy summer days? Next Sunday, we host the Parents' Meeting, at 5 p.m. , Stella Maris Auditorium. We have a busy summer season and we have to herald our parents in and give a bracing report on what lies ahead.
On we go....this is a great bunch of students we have. Loving them, a breeze to teach....from the GRE/GMAT/SSAT and SAT groups, we are reeling from the bright minds. Alert....this is a good thing...
I warned this cohort of students....when the books arrive, the Practice books, buy them quickly...they sell quickly. I warned the Saturday group, who lost out to the Tuesday and Thursday groups.
Woe is me.....
After two shipments, a third is coming in this weekend, so if no more books are left on the shelf, you should all see something next week Monday.
Third shipment....... Woe is me. Good sign, the students are studying....