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"The Ashlie Douglas Story" Wednesday Blog

Sandra Bramwell

Ashlie Douglas was Head Girl of Montego Bay High School for Girls. When she approached the Versan table some five years ago, it was with the view of going to college at the tender age of 16. We advised her that at such a tender age, boarding school would be a viable option. She was adamant, she said I want to go to college. Why do Sixth Form, when I can complete college. She received a full scholarship to Fisk University. I am happy to say this Montego Bay native has had a full ride financially through college and will be one of our guest speakers at this Farewell ceremony in May. We are proud to say she has earned a full scholarship to Vanderbilt University to do her PhD in Math Education. Look out Jamaica. From the bachelor's to the doctorate, fully paid...the Versan Way.

Summer School, Summer School:

Good afternoon and greetings from Oxford ....

We are now organising our summer programmes and would very much like to include your students or teachers in our plans. Students of all ages, including young children are most welcome.

This year there are some new features:

  • The Residence for students age 14 or over , with superb ensuite rooms, common room, and full board ;

  • An option to stay in Lady Margaret Hall ( which is one of the prettiest Colleges of the University. Early booking is essential and the minimum age is 16;

  • The option to combine English with other programmes, eg ALevels; (I)GCSAE; IB and other international exams, as well as Music ,Art and Drama;

  • "Buddies"...British students who act as companions to the visiting students and meet with them socially in small groups , to discuss things like Football, Music etc;

  • For summer students who are thinking of studying at a British University (including Oxford and Cambridge) or Boarding School we offer free assessment and advice, which can be followed up by a School or University visit;

  • Free places for teachers accompanying groups;

  • Discounts for families or friends.

All programmes offer excursions, sightseeing and cultural activities appropriate for the age group.

If you would like further information on any of the summer programmes please mail me. If you would like a quotation please let me have target dates, numbers, ages, and type of programme.

I hope we can welcome your students or teachers this summer, and look forward to hearing from you

Best regards

Carolyn Llewelyn


Ashli Douglas - Vanderbilt School of Education

Kobi WIlcox - Washington Academy/Kent's Hill

Jaswani Evans - Washington Academy/ Oxford/ Kent

Nickola Tracey - Howard

For those seeking ways to make college affordability indices, please read on about Savvy tool to have....

See you next week.


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