(From Cold New York)
Ah yes, those who tracked me on Instagram know I just completed a record run from New York City to Fort Lauderdale by car....a record one day and 20 hours. It was fun. Such an adventure...I took it on as a challenge, gauging miles, tolls, gas, dependability of the car...gasping at whether tires would blow or engine fail....so thanks Warket, my car genius, we did it. I pulled all the tools out of our daily car discussions and dove right in...

(Betsy 2 Versanmobile)
So though I bypassed some of my students and their states by night, (sorry Emily at St. Anne's Belfield and students in Georgia) who begged me to stop, I was on a time crunch to complete journey, hand car over to husband and get on a 6 am flight Wednesday morning to be back at the office for my parents and students....#liveloveVersan.

(Back on Jamrock)
Some are disheartened, some are emboldened, some are resolute about decisions coming there way. It happens every year. No one knows the formula to how students are chosen. The best are laid to the side sometimes, the least energetic are chosen.....so it goes. However, there is a school for everyone....and some who have heard, have told me and I add to the list every week.
But one of my favorite tales this week is Kai Lin Shen, who dusted her feet off, presented herself, took a few more recommendations and ended up with a record scholarship...in less than a week. Hip, hip hooray!
So, embolden, dust that rejection off and make lemonade out of lemons....
To the other victors......I have to find my notebook to put the list up this week, so though this blog will be posted tonight....I am pulling names from the top of my head....okay? I will fine tune the list tomorrow when I unpack, scribbled over several pieces of paper...but for what I remember...and in lieu of posting the blog...
Kai Lin Shen Lincoln Academy
Joshua Butcher University of San Francisco
Daniel Brown Bentley University
Drake University
Andrew Folkes University of Rochester
Leah Smyle Case Western University
University of Miami
J Myrie Drexel University
Xiao Alfred University
Jordan Chin Vassar College
Rochelle Vassell University of Virginia/ University of Rochester
Jheanelle Owens Tufts University
Shane Miller
Lindbergh Simpson
Peter John King
And when my strength comes back, and I find my notes, this list will be updated tomorrow.