This era in which we live has taught us about truth and hype or "alternate truths." Such is life. We come across many people who fill our lives with excitement, half-truths...and when we settle in our own space and look within, you discover that your inner strength is yours and the reality with which you must take baby steps for growth.
That continuing with your education must be your decision and yours alone. That you must hold your truth, do your research and counter false arguments with truth. Do not go from leader to leader seeking information, stand on your own two feet and solve the puzzle by dint of your own research. Journalists, members of the Fifth Element, are doing this painstakingly now. Let us apply this concept to all our lives.
Keissley Nelson - New York Institute of Technology
Florida Tech
St. Thomas University
Shannon Henry - Marquette University
Brandon Boothe - Florida Institute of Technology
Shane Henry - Florida Institute of Technology
Daniel Brown - Suny College of Plattsburgh/Bryant University
Danielle Sinclair Rollins College
D'Ondre Forbes Xavier University
Florida Institute of Technology
St. John's University
Lauren Pottinger Milwaukee School of Art
Massachusetts College of Art
Robert Fernandez Florida Institute of Technology
Ithaca College

Again, I compliment all our students who prevailed and are receiving acceptances.
Live for truth, not half-truths.
See you all next week.