It is time to give the SSAT students their due. We were so busy doing book reports, learning vocabulary, getting interview outfits ready, working out maths, deciphering analogies...so much so that we forgot to inform parents of all upcoming events. Our heads were buried in the sand. Time to pull it out.
We have a whirlwind of schools visiting. We are proud of this slew of schools. So on November 16, here comes the list:
St. Georges
Nord Anglia
Chatham Hall
Idyllwild Arts
Oregon Episcopal
Wayland Academy
The Hockaday School
The Brook Hill School
Concord Academy
Cushing Academy
The White Mountain School
Northfield Mount Hermon

And others continue to join.......Please note that we will keep you up to date as the others join......Do your research. Do note that if your chosen schools are not here on this list, the practice will do you good.
Montego Bay students ...start your trek to Kingston. The fair ends in Kingston. So, that fateful day of November 16...you must be at Stella Maris Auditorium by 9:30 a.m.....in your Sunday best. If I have not yet approved your "Sunday best", please send to my email. For review!!!!

Where should my SSAT students be with their studies?
Close to 6-8 book reports completed, vocabulary lists attached....Number of words "under your belt" 2500 words....and an investment of three SSAT practice books, with an alarm clock for timing....once, this regimen is followed ...you should be on Easy Street ....
Apologies due to parents who felt the Versan chickadees were not coming home to tell them anything from class. Check their notebooks...they know most all this already...but not sharing...so we have reserved this blog for the SSAT babies.
Timeline...can we be done by at least October 31-November 5? Thanks much...I will be in office as early as 10 a.m. on Sunday, use it as a Marathon session and come in to ask questions and get apps completed. Do remember there are classes from 1-3 and 4-6, but we will work around the hours...classes will continue...but apps must be completed.
From that list of schools touring the Caribbean, please ask front desk which ones will visit Jamaica. Some are going only to Barbados, St. Lucia or Trinidad. There is a schedule at the front desk.
October 31, 2016
6 p.m. at our office: Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
7 p.m. (at our office) Bryant University
See you next week. SAT results come out tomorrow, ahem!