As I bid students goodbye for summer camps and college, (that goes for the Calder girls and their mom-thanks for stopping by....we should have had a photo opportunity).....I am so aware that my candy mug on the table has seen diminishing returns...could it be Scalawag #1 or Scalawag #2? Scary....I had promised many pics of my "loco" them all...and student-cum-really unpaid intern....Arianne (who if not mentioned.....the ire of Mt. Everest will come crashing
the way, she has the most angelic smile of them all....)And then last Sunday, we tried to start our painting of the office walls....whoa, I got caught in the mix! Maybe best to leave those unflattering photos out.CONGRATS! To Nicholas Lee who just graduated high school in Chicago and now on his way to college and his younger brother, Jonathan, who heads to Jamaica College. Sister Elizabeth, all mature, now goes to live off campus (ahem!)